DTS Data File Browser
Step type: Simple user interface.
Step description: This step allows you to browse DTS data files. The browser displays only data in the current DTS run ID.
Each table is represented by its own folder. You can double-click a folder to display the list of DTS data files for the selected table. You can click Back (F3) to return to the main folder.
At the program start, the file sizes in the folders are calculated. This calculation may take some time.
Detailed functions:
The top of the screen shows the following information:
Warning if the read phase execution is in progress
The path to the displayed folder
The total space on the disk
The free space left on the disk
The overall folder size
The ALV grid contains the following columns:
Filename: Specifies the name of a folder (table) or a file in the folder.
File size in KB: Specifies the size of the file or folder in kilobytes.